Site Service On Demand
As margins for many industries see continued pressure downward, all related companies face tough decisions on how to reduce this pressure and maintain the lifeblood of the profit generator. It is at this time decisions concerning employees must be made which is very difficult. DE bundling offers an opportunity to reduce some of these tough decisions by deciding while outcomes are predictable, the choices to those outcomes have many different options. DE bundling is in the class of a different choice but if done well, outcomes remain consistent while margin pressures are reduced. Below is a choice to DE bundle water treatment based services without jeopardizing critical capital.
Services provided by conventional water treatment companies generally follow the 80/20 rule. 20% are worth the investment required, 80% are not. It is not good practices to pay $500 per hour for a site rep. to adjust a pump that can be easily performed by your own people for much less money. It is good choice to have your people trained and available to make adjustments to water chemistry as needed. JSC has on staff highly experienced people that are ready and able to complete required site services within 24 hours. We have knowledge-based water treatment people ready on demand.
With JSC, the decision where to spend profit dollars is decided by the profit generator, not the supply side company. Once a profit generator decides to embrace control of their money, it is not difficult to determine what is really important for site service. We are committed to training our customers so that high cost/low value services are minimized. Water chemistry does not change significantly and once the necessary training is completed, profits can be recaptured forever. This is our commitment and goal for every customer. With our SmartChat and product and application Training Apps, most required services can be completed in house. JSC is Customer Cost Driven everyday resulting in Serious Savings.
Services provided by conventional water treatment companies generally follow the 80/20 rule. 20% are worth the investment required, 80% are not. It is not good practices to pay $500 per hour for a site rep. to adjust a pump that can be easily performed by your own people for much less money. It is good choice to have your people trained and available to make adjustments to water chemistry as needed. JSC has on staff highly experienced people that are ready and able to complete required site services within 24 hours. We have knowledge-based water treatment people ready on demand.
With JSC, the decision where to spend profit dollars is decided by the profit generator, not the supply side company. Once a profit generator decides to embrace control of their money, it is not difficult to determine what is really important for site service. We are committed to training our customers so that high cost/low value services are minimized. Water chemistry does not change significantly and once the necessary training is completed, profits can be recaptured forever. This is our commitment and goal for every customer. With our SmartChat and product and application Training Apps, most required services can be completed in house. JSC is Customer Cost Driven everyday resulting in Serious Savings.