Just Smart Chemistry supplies chemistries for all water treatment applications. Our customers realize significant cost saving benefits. One of those benefits is an immediate line item cost reduction of 40% on all high chemistry purchases. With all markets now or soon to be global, customer benefits when measured over time will help companies be competitive with all.
Our chemistries cover over 1000 applications. Our technical service representatives (TSR) will assist all customers with their Smart Chemistry choices. All products adhere to U.S. standards and come with confidence of ISO9001 processes. All product purchases are supported by TSRs who average 29 years water experience. Our knowledge base not only includes chemistry, but all associated support services to include; best available electronics and communications, required feed systems (most of which are built in house), testing and control.
We view ourselves as part of the customers value stream with a primary goal of training all companies to achieve maximum savings. The journey to become and remain competitive involves thousands of steps. Just Smart Chemistry is one of those steps.